Prenup™ Plug Placement Aid
The innovative Prenup™ Plug Placement Aid design allows for faster, more consistent plug setting, eliminating non-productive time and remedial operations.
The Prenup™ line of plug placement aids have industry leading strength and torque ratings. The Citadel Prenup™ disconnect is viable in even the most rigorous operations. With the use of our plug placement aids and sacrificial pipe or tubing, the placement of cement plugs and removal of the work-string is simple and safe.
- Available in fully drillable aluminum (PDC or Roller Cone) or high strength steel
- Available in any combination of drill pipe/tubing threads (other combinations upon request):
- Workstring (box): 2.375 EUE, 2.875 EUE, 3.500 EUE, NC38, NC50, 5.500 FH, 6.625 FH
- Tailpipe (pin): 2.375 EUE, 2.875 EUE, 3.500 EUE, NC38, NC50
- Tensile rating between 10,000 lbs and 160,000 lbs depending on size and drillabality requirements
- Suitable for applications that require rotation of the work string
- Released with applied pressure rather than over pull, improving cement plug integrity Unlimited sacrificial tubing length
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