Trenchfoot™️ Gen 2 with First Strike™️
Citadel Casing Solutions’ Trenchfoot™ Gen 2 with First Strike™ Technology mitigates risk and remedial costs associated with toe prep with the ultimate goal of making toe prep prior to frac obsolete. The engineered system maximizes completable reservoir, reduces direct and indirect costs, simplifies operations and logistics on location, and eliminates reliability issues with other toe initiation and casing test mechanisms.
U.S. Patent No. 12,091,966
Features & Benefits
- Reduced drilling costs via simplified BHA
- Per well AFE savings of $8k to $40k
- Maximized completable reservoir via optimized shoe track
- Per well NPV uplift of $50k to $500k
- Gas tight ULTRA MAG 3.0 float valve qualified and proven as well barrier
- Up to 20 bpm for 240 hour (10 continuous days) flow endurance
- 15,000 psi at 400 F with 99.99% reliability
- 99.7% toe initiation reliability
- High pressure formation injectivity
- 15-18 bpm at 10,000 psi
- Low pressure formation injectivity
- 18-20 bpm at 6,000 psi
- Pressure test optionality
- Small diameter dissolvable ball(s)
- Large diameter dissolvable ball
- First Strike™ Technology
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